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Opinion: Insights on digital health and privacy legislation in Prince Edward Island

2022 Annual General Meeting: Registration open

Rebranding: College Partnership Subscription is now College Educational Resources Program (CERP)

Seamless and growing interconnectivity in health care: The role of registration clerks

“Good care from the start”: Ann Dreolini’s journey into medical office administration

All hands on deck: Engagement is set to rise as chapters launch community meetings

Announcing the successful accreditation of CanScribe Career College’s Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist program

Insights about the Graduate Certificate in Health Terminology Standards (HTS) from alum, Kelly Davison

Continuing the conversation on social determinants of health data standards for Canada

An invitation to join the CIO Strategy Council’s standard-setting process

Reimagining health data use: Highlights from Data and Information Quality Week 2022

Exploring how quality data leads to better information

Being your own data steward in Manitoba during a pandemic

CDI community meeting: Refreshing the career matrix for CDI specialists

Announcing the successful accreditation of Ashton College’s Health Information Management diploma program

Community meets to consolidate on resources for the adoption of health terminology standards in Canada

Acknowledging a new partner: Algonquin College

No More Wait Lists: Closing the gaps in the health care system

How Esri Canada makes geospatial health data easy to find and use

Certification update: January 2022 CHIM NCE

CDI community meets to discuss engagement with leadership teams and physicians

Highlights of the Alberta Virtual Care Working Group report

What is the real impact of health information?

Gaining recognition: CDI in Canada

CCCS, CCDIS, and CTSS application dates for 2022 are published

IG community connects on career matrix update

Key takeaways from our IG community meeting: Discovering practical tools

Certification update: 2022 CHIM NCE dates are published

Mapping out Canada’s digital public health future

Opinion: What HIM professionals are thinking about the impact of the pandemic on the profession

Let’s Talk Informatics: A presentation on October 28, 2021

Let’s Talk Informatics: A presentation on October 14, 2021

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