
The latest news from the College and CHIMA

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Industry spotlight: Mustimuhw Information Solutions

CHIMA Awards: An evolution to re-invest in members

CHIMA BCYT Chapter Education Day 2023

Le Collège lance une nouvelle méthode de surveillance pour les examens nationaux de certification

College launches new proctoring solution for national certification examinations

Repositionnement de marque –
Le programme d’abonnement de partenariat du Collège devient le programme de Ressources pédagogiques du Collège (RPC)

HIM professionals in policing: Applying current skills in new sectors

Exciting news for students launching in March!

“The CHIM is the pathway designation.”

Launch of the modernized CHIM NCE

Lancement de l’ENC en GIS modernisé

ICIS et CCGIS — Consolidation des normes et de la certification pour soutenir la littératie des données au Canada

CIHI and CCHIM: Strengthening standards and certification in support of data literacy in Canada

CIHI Logo Stacked Bilingual

CIHI and CCHIM: Strengthening standards and certification in support of data literacy in Canada

Douglas College launches Canada’s first Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management, adopts new HIM degree standards

CERP: Acknowledging our subscribers

In conversation with Patricia Visosky: Shaping generations of health information professionals

Call for nominations: Join CHIMA and the College’s board of directors

Appel aux candidatures: Joignez-vous à la CHIMA et au conseil d’administration du Collège

Announcing HICA: A new designation for health information professionals

AIIS – Un nouveau titre pour les professionnels de l’information sur la santé

MBNU chapter education day: Using health data and ensuring privacy

From instruction to field experience: Ilona Monkman discusses working in a First Nations health centre

Opinion: Insights on digital health and privacy legislation in British Columbia and Yukon

Applications open: September 2022 CCDIS NCE

Health data literacy unpacked

Data Quality Assist at Sault Area Hospital

Maintenant disponibles – Fichiers analytiques de recherche la Base de données sur les congés des patients (BDCP) de l’ICIS

Now available: CIHI’s Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) research analytic files

Opinion: Insights on digital health and privacy legislation in Manitoba

In conversation with Wylecia Wiggs Harris: Pivoting AHIMA to renewal and growth

CERP: Acknowledging our subscribers and contributors

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