Pathway Navigator

Pathway Navigator for those who hold a degree, masters or Ph.D that desire certification

Formal Education

People having education at one company, sitting and learning.

Experiential Pathway

Leverage your existing educational credentials and gain a CHIM certification.

To earn the CHIM designation, applicants must successfully write the Certified in Health Information Management (CHIM) national certification exam (NCE).

The experiential pathway allows professionals working in health information fields who hold a complementary degree and have 3 years experience to write the CHIM NCE without having to attend a full program.

This pathway will require you to do a self-assessment, address gaps you might have relative to Canadian certification standards and write the national examination.

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Post graduate diploma

A post-graduate diploma equips people with health information fundamentals with a variety of complimentary domain areas.

This leads to the Certified Health Information Management designation (CHIM).

Person looking at camera

Explore Clinical Documentation or Interoperability Terminology Standards certifications

Depending on your educational background and passion, clinical documentation or terminology standards may be a viable pathway for certification in the health information profession. Explore these certifications today:

What are the 5 steps to gain a CHIM certification?

Exploring the world of health information by taking your first steps to gain certification.

Start your journey towards certification today!

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